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The use of monochromatic x-rays to treat lung infections.
X-ray energy use to remedy viral and/or bacterial infections Inventors: Michael Pravica Pravica: Professor in physics and a member of HiPSEC (High Pressure and Engineering Center). He received his Ph.D. in experimental condensed matter physics in 1998 from Harvard University and a B.S. in physics and applied mathematics in 1988 with honors from the...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pravica
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Life Science - Biology, Life Science - Biotech, Life Science - Health, Sports Performance & Nutrition
Category(s): All
Las Vegas AR travel app
The invention TravelMate is an application designed to provide business travelers with a digital platform that uses artificial intelligence to curate searches and tasks. The A.I. 's programming allows for predictive capabilities based on cross-referencing the users past searches, preferences, and device use. TravelMate streamlines business operations...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Madison Wilson, Yanjia Yang
Category(s): All
Apparatus and method for artificial intelligence-based cardiovascular health assessment using hybrid stimulus test
Research proposing a new deep neural network model using virtual reality that can be used in cardiovascular health monitoring. The Invention This research makes use of virtual reality (VR) as it proposes a novel deep neural network (DNN) model that can detect severe cardiovascular diseases using electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The proposed DNN-based...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): shengjie zhai, Yingtao Jiang, Jian Ni
Keywords(s): Computer Science & Software, Life Science - Health, Med Devices, Diagnostics & Healthtech
Category(s): All
Modified Ionic Liquids for Thermal Properties in CubeSats
Inventors: Pradip Bhowmik His expertise includes Organic and Polymer Synthesis, Nanomaterials Synthesis, Green Chemistry, Ionic Liquids, Anticancer Drugs. The Invention: NASA requires the improvement of thermal management systems to regulate heat transfer among components within space vehicles or small spacecraft such as CubeSate. This disclosure...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Pradip Bhowmik, Haesook Han, Kevin Yu, Maksudul Alam
Category(s): All
Centralized Safety Training Management Program
The Invention: This centralized safety Training Management Program provinces easy and manageable tracking of safety training courses taken by personnel in the classroom and or online. It will track classes taken in horse or via other vendors. There are also 23 online safety training courses available for clients anytime and anywhere with convenient...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): John Centineo, William Murray, Aaron Wilson
Category(s): All
Automated Mechanism for Sliding Heavy Load Onto and Off Platforms
Inventors: Alexander Paz-Cruz University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty Member The Invention: An automated mechanism for sliding heavy load onto and off platforms is proposed. A particular application for the proposed mechanism is the transfer of load across transportation modes. In particular the transfer of...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexander Paz-Cruz, Steve Merrill
Category(s): All
Method for the Stoichiometric recovery of UF4 from UF6 dissolved directrly into ionic liquid
Described herein are methods for recovering uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) from uranium hexafluoride (UF6) by directly dissolving UF6 in ionic liquids and recovering UF4, which can be processed to obtain UO2 (s) or uranium metal. Inventors: David Hatchett Hatchett: His expertise includes Electrochemistry, Materials, Chemical Sensor, Catalysis. On top...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Hatchett, Cassara Higgins
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment - Renewable Energy
Category(s): Chemistry, All
Three-Dimensionally-Flexible/Twistable Electronic Device
The energy conversion performance, mechanical robustness, and cost associated with fabrication of a thermoelectric device may be improved by three-dimensional flexible thermoelectrics. Inventors: Jaeyun Moon, Matthew Pusko, Kaleab Ayalew, Suraj Venkat Pochampally Moon: Areas of expertise include advanced materials for energy applications Pusko: An...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jaeyun Moon, Matthew Pusko, Suraj Venkat Pochampally, Kaleab Ayalew, Hoyoung Ahn
Category(s): All
Conversion of Uranium Hexaflouride and Recovery of Uranium from Ionic Liquid (improved method)
Described are methods for the recovery of uranium from uranium hexafluoride dissolved directly into ionic liquids. Inventors: David Hatchett & Kenneth R. Czerwinski Czerwinski: Current projects include speciation of actinides in spent fuel, chemical speciation of actinides in separations, nuclear forensics, and radioelement compounds and material...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Hatchett, Kenneth Czerwinski, Katherine Luebke (formerly Thornock), Cassara Higgins
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Energy & Environment - Renewable Energy
Category(s): All
Third Generation Inhibitors *Supplement IDF
Inventor Ernesto Abel-Santos: Expertise includes: Bioorganic Chemistry, Enzymology, Bacterial Spore Germination, Bioterrorism The Invention: In an effort to study inhibitors of C. difficile spore germination, we recently found a set of compounds that have strong anti-germination activity in multiple strains. These compounds (see supplemental section...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ernesto Abel-Santos, Chris Yip, Jaqueline Phan
Category(s): Chemistry, All, Therapeutics, Pharmaceuticals, Drug Delivery
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