
Invention Summary
The Modular, Expandable, Scalable 3D Printer system consists of modular plates and an expandable frame system to customize the build of the printing system. The frame consists of three different frame supports, two of which are base supports that consist of square tube sections that can be attached together by inserting one section into a corresponding square tube section. The square tube sections double as storage housing for the modular plates. The second frame support type is a storable frame of linkages that sit at the top of the print frame and will assist in supporting the extruder and its mechanisms. The smaller links come out of the main support link and connect together to form a truss-like structure. The third frame support type is based on a telescoping column system that allows for the truss to be assembled and attached on the third and fourth link, improving the rigidity of the structure.
The modular bed has two plate types, an octagonal plate and a magnetized square plate that can be nested inside of the octagonal plate for storage. The magnetized plate has handles that slide into the octagonal plate when needed for printing. Once assembled, build platforms of different shapes and sizes can be attached to the modular plates through the magnetic connection from the square modular plate to the bottom of the build platform.
Market Opportunity
According to Allied Market Research, the global 3D printing market was valued at $4.16 Billion in 2014 with North America being the biggest contributor to the global market with over $1.73 Billion. The future of the overall market is in steady increase by the year of 2020 it’s predicted to reach over $4.5 Billion. New innovations with significant differences are highly encouraged in order to meet different manufacturing needs.
Features and Benefits
• Ability to create and build in any space and at any time is desirable for scientists, engineers, artists, and hobbyists alike
• Can be customized for any size or configuration
• No traditional limitations of being stationary, thus restricting the printer’s location and size
• Adjustable print volume
• Capable of being conveniently disassembled and stored
Intellectual Property
Utility Patent Filed 17/428,424