
Invention Summary
Super Blackjack is an all-new system meant to enhance blackjack play. The methodology and strategies in this game allow for more aggressive strategies, higher intermediate wagers and yet still maintains the flavor of traditional blackjack, so the game can be quickly learned and understood. This method is optimized for use on the digital and online formats, allowing for ultimate versatility.
Market Opportunity
The casino and gambling market has been steadily increasing with the expansion of online gambling as well as the increasing legality of gambling in and out of the United States. According to IBISWorld, industry revenue for casinos and online gambling is expected to increase by 3.5% to $318.7 billion over the five years to 2024. Furthermore, as gaming expenditure increases by an annualized rate of 3.1%, the market will also expand by an annualized rate of 2.6% as more gaming enterprises are established.
These factors point to the steady growth of the casino and gambling industry and as a result, the spread and appeal of table and online gambling methods. With a 19% share of the current product segmentation, gambling machines contribute a strong portion of the gaming industry’s revenue stream. Systems like Super Blackjack are able to reap the rewards of both physical table gaming as well as provide a method for online capabilities.
Features and Benefits
• New rules meant to create an exciting gaming experience.
• Traditional blackjack formatted for the digital world.
• Enhanced user experience through recognizable icons.
• Complete method allows ease of access for traditional gamblers.
• Classic game with modern method.
Intellectual Property
U.S. Utility Patent Filed: 14/703,886