
Invention Summary
Slot machine game in which committing a wager provides a display of random symbols into a grid of frames, columns and rows. Once all the symbols are displayed, a processor assigns a specific maximum number of symbol transfers that can be made by the player. Symbol transfers allows the players to move or switch adjacent symbols in adjacent frames. Once the maximum number of transfers in exhausted or once the player is satisfied with their selection, the final outcomes in then compared with the predetermined paytable in order to determine the reward earned.
Market Opportunity
According to IBISWorld, revenue in the Casino Industry is expected to grow to $315.9 billion by 2023 at an annualized rate of 3.6%. Gaming machines with skill inputs are becoming attractive to gamers due to the interactivity of the game which allows them to strategies and make decisions while fully engaging them with the slot machine.
Features and Benefits
• Slot machines with skill inputs in comparison to traditional slot machine, allows the player to achieve their respective payout based on their own decisions and/or strategy
• The Skill-Assistance feature suggests where the player should move their selected symbol(s) to ensure a positive outcome
• The Skill-Assistance feature can be activated or deactivated by the player
• The usage of the Skill-Assistance feature can result in a penalty to the player which includes but is not limited to:
o Decrease in the base payout
o Increase in the cost to make the wager
Intellectual Property
US Provisional Patent No.: 62/615,106