Invention Summary
Camouflaged communication is a way to maintain bandwidth while disguising a communication signal with a wide range of pulsed parameters in a sea or background of natural electronic noise. Knowing enough about the signal, a masked signal with low signal-to-noise ratio may be extracted by a targeted receiver from a noise spectrum. Camouflaged communication may inhibit jamming and spoofing techniques while relaxing the need for a dedicated wide bandwidth with complex command, control, and communication systems.
Market Opportunity
The invention may be used on the battlefield in sensitive locations where high technology eavesdropping is of concern as a means to communicate with unmanned aircraft systems, and to cloak satellite communication for government and commercial purposes. As a result, the United States military is a likely proponent for the use of this technology, as well as law enforcement and security sectors. Beyond camouflaging communication signals, larger commercial potential exists purely based on the innovative field of using plasma antennas over traditional antennae due to potentially higher bandwidths and transmission speeds.
Features & Benefits
Existing plasma antennas do not have a pulsed power flavor associated with the driving mechanism of the antenna nor do they talk about a natural plasma constriction being used for transmission. The invention involves coupling the modulated laser beam to a high voltage, high current switch to modulate the discharge current within acceptable levels using the electron beam electrons to carry the radiation current.
The invention uses a demonstrated controlled plasma antenna with a state-of-the-art high voltage, high current mixer. This controlled plasma antenna technology offers the capability to hide the intended low signal-to-noise ratio transmitted signal in a background of plasma noise.
Under appropriate conditions, it is anticipated that the noise with signal may be varied such that in select regions in space, the noise signature may be viewed as slightly elevated background noise. Consequently, one’s attention is not drawn towards the transmission and reception devices. Further, a large number of transmission patterns may be generated allowing for ease in cloaking the signal.
Intellectual Property
Issued US Patent No.: 9,916,463