
An invention to target cancer stem cells and improve cancer treatment.
The Invention
A novel lysine-specific histone demethylase (LSD1) inhibitor has been developed by researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and is available for licensing.
Cancer stem cells play a role in proliferation of the tumor, metastasis, and therapeutic resistance. There is a great need to be able to target the cancer stem cell population due to the increased resistance to the available treatments of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and causing high tumor recurrence.
We have identified Sox2 as a diagnostic biomarker for high cancer stem cell populations. This biomarker is upregulated in a variety of solid tumors such as lung, breast, ovarian, and brain carcinomas, as well as, liquid tumors such as leukemia. Our researchers have developed a LSD1 inhibitor that specifically targets Sox2-expressing cancer cells, and cancer stem cells that prevents cell proliferation.
Key Benefits
- Companion Diagnostic
- Epigenetic Target
- Cancer Stem Cell Sensitivity
Market Opportunity
Sox2 is identified not only in lung, breast, ovarian, brain, colon, brain, liver, gastric, and kidney carcinomas, but also in other blood born cancers such as leukemia. Currently, there is no cancer therapy for Sox2-expressing cancers. Targeting cancer cells with stem cell properties is an unmet medical demand because these cancer cells are usually more resistant to conventional chemo and radiation therapy, causing high recurrence.
Development and Intellectual Property Status
This technology is in the early stages of development. Corporate-sponsored research is desired to fund the development of a prototype.
A PCT application (PCT/2016/04266) has been filed.